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books on the history of fashion and design, etc.
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Il Disegno Dell’Alta Moda Italiana 1940-1970, 1982. With Cecil Beaton interview.
Rombola by Rombola, 1965.
Textiles Suisses, No. 4, 1949.
The Incomplete Enchanter, 1941. Signed by L. Sprague de Camp.
Alpenblumenmärchen, 1922. Illustrations of flower-people by Ernst Kreidolf.
Pavillon Société des Artistes Décorateurs at the Exposition Internationale, 1937
L’Art de Lire la Main, 1975. French book of palm reading.
ON HOLD FOR CHRISTOPHE - Choix, by Paul Iribe, 1930.
Sighs and Whispers, lingerie catalog photographed by Guy Bourdin, 1976.
Wall Hangings, 1969. Rare catalog from the seminal MoMA show of textile art.
Harlem On My Mind: Cultural Capital Of Black America, 1900-1968. Published 1969.
Penélopé, 1829. Dutch periodical of handwork, with hand-colored engravings.
A Room of Her Own, 1997. Portraits of women’s private spaces.
Sorayama Hyper Illustration, 1989.
Mirror Images: Greek Women Through Time, 1986.
On True Happiness, 1969.
La Vie Parisienne, April 19, 1924.
I Pizzi: Moda e Simbolo, 1977. Catalog of rare laces from Museo Poldi Pezzoli.
La Révolte des Passemens, 1935. Beautiful reprint of 17th c. poem on lace.
American Fabrics, Spring 1956. Claire McCardell, Bonnie Cashin textile samples.