books on the history of fashion and design, etc.
La Femme, March 15, 1945. Image via Gallica, BnF
Just over here searching library collections in Uruguay for fashion magazines and women's weeklies so you don't have to. This directory is a master list of 349 periodical titles or collections related to women and/or fashion that I have found digitized online. It currently comprises about 57,785 individual issues, all free to access as of when I listed them. Dates correspond to the years available of each periodical. Feel free to send me things to add and I will credit you here! And please let me know if a link is no longer functional.
Last Updated: September 10, 2024
Please credit the digitizing institution if using materials found here,
and make sure to look into the rights for use :-)
Also, please credit my research in sourcing these materials if you use this page extensively in the creation
of a similar website or library research guide! I will notice and it will make me sad :-(
18th Century Magazines
Le Magazin à la Mode, 1777. French.
Cabinet des Modes, 1785-1786. French.
Magasin des Modes Nouvelles, 1786-1789. French.
Journal des Luxus und der Moden, 1786, 1787-1812, 1813. German.
Pandora, oder Kalender des Luxus und der Moden für das Jahr, 1787-1789. German.
Mode, Fabriken, und Gewerbszeitung, 1788. German.
Journal de la Mode et du Goût, 1790. French. In the digital archive of Bunka Gakuen – it is found under the "18th century" section in the pull-down selection.
Journal für Fabrik, Manufaktur, Handlung, Kunst und Mode, 1791-1808, 1809-1811. German. Scroll down to choose year and then click on the book photograph to open gallery – illustrations start in 1794.
Tableau Général du Goût, des Modes et Costumes de Paris, 1797-1799. French.
Gallery of Fashion, 1799-1800. English .
Journal des Dames et des Modes, 1799. French.
19th Century Magazines
American, English, French, and German.
Journal des Dames et des Modes, 1800-1839. French.
Almanach der Mode und des Geschmacks für Damen, 1802. German.
Journal für Literatur, Kunst, Luxus und Mode, 1813, 1814-1826, 1827. Continuation of the earlier Journal des Luxus und der Moden.
Le Bon Genre, 1827. French. Caricatures of fashion and society.
Ladies' Magazine, 1828-1829, 1830-1833, 1834. American. The "first women's periodical to survive more than five years" in America, founded by Sarah Josepha Hale and published out of Boston. A fashion plate was included in every issue starting with the fourth volume.
La Mode, 1829-1854. French.
R. Ackermann's Repository of Fashions, 1829. English.
The World of Fashion and Continental Feuilletons, 1824-1885. English.
Godey's Lady's Book, 1830-1895. American.
The Magazine of the Beau Monde, 1831-1846. English.
Le Messager des Dames, 1832-1833. French.
The Ladies' Penny Gazette; Or, Mirror of Fashion, and Miscellany of Instruction and Amusement, 1833. English.
Gazette des Salons: Journal des Modes et de Musique, Artistique, Littéraire, 1835-1837. French.
Der Spiegel für Kunst, Eleganz und Mode, 1835-1840. German.
Blackwood's Lady's Magazine and Gazette of the Fashionable World, 1836, 1841, 1843, 1844, 1845, 1846, 1849, 1850. English. Blackwood also published an edition for the Scottish market, titled Blackwood's Edinburgh Journal.
Le Journal des Coiffeurs, 1836-1874. French.
Journal des Demoiselles, 1836-1901. French.
Allgemeine Muster-Zeitung, 1837-1867. German.
The Ladies' Gazette of Fashion, 1838-1899. English.
The Ladies' Cabinet of Fashion, Music & Romance, 1839-1847. English.
La Sylphide, 1839-1873. French.
Schnellpost für Moden, 1840. German.
The London and Paris Ladies' Magazine of Fashion, 1841-1885. English.
Journal des Couturières et des Modistes, 1848-1850. French trade journal.
Peterson's Magazine. 1848-1876. American women's magazine.
Pariser Damenkleider-Magazin, 1849-1860. German journal of Parisian fashions. Includes patterns.
Cendrillon, 1850-1851. French magazine of women's work titled "Cinderella". Has fashion plates and patterns.
Le Conseiller des Dames, 1850-1851. French.
Der Bazar, 1857-1898, 1904-1913. German newspaper for ladies.
Mme Demorest's Quarterly Report and Mirror of Fashions, 1860. American.
Victoria, 1863-1871. German weekly fashion paper.
La Petite Feuille des Dames, 1866-1867. French.
Le Journal des Marchandes de Modes, 1866-1870. French. Trade journal for "marchandes de modes," specializing in accessories.
Le Monde Élégant, or, The World of Fashion, 1866, 1867-1868, 1869-1870, 1871-1872, 1873-1874, 1875-1876, 1877-1878, 1881-1882. Published in London and New York. Excellent resource for fashion plates.
Les Modes Parisiennes Illustrées, 1867-1880. French weekly fashion paper with color plates. Found via the Diputació Barcelona, which was kindly shared with me by Franciska Ruessink.
La Mode Illustrée, 1869. Also, digitized patterns from the magazine, 1860-1920. French.
Harper's Bazaar, 1869-1900. Digitized by Cornell. American.
La Fourrure, 1869-1871. French fur journal, published by furrier Revillon Frères.
The Milliner, Dressmaker and Warehouseman's Gazette, 1870-1871. English. Trade journal for milliners, dressmakers, and sellers of ready-to-wear clothing.
Grands Magasins du Louvre, 1872-1911. French. Catalog for the Parisian department store.
The Month's Dress and Fashion, 1872-1873. English.
La Gazette Rose, 1872-1874. French.
Revue de la Mode, 1872-1874, 1874-1885. French weekly fashion paper with illustrations and fashion plates.
Die Pariser-Moden, 1873, 1st half & and 2nd half of year. German fashion paper.
La Haute Nouveauté des Modes Parisiennes, 1873 & 1874. French. Magazine with fashion plates, digitized by the Bayerische Staatsbibliothek in Munich.
La Gazette des Femmes, 1877-1891. French.
L'Ecole des Femmes, 1879. Supplemental weekly editions, 1879. French biweekly fashion paper.
Journal des Demoiselles et Petit Courrier des Dames, 1881-1892. French. Merged edition of the two papers. Separate album editions of the journal from 1893-1892 available here
La Saison, 1883-1908. French. Biweekly illustrated fashion paper. Cover illustrations in color beginning October 1, 1903. Found via the Diputació Barcelona, which was kindly shared with me by Franciska Ruessink.
The Domestic Monthly: An Illustrated Magazine of Fashion, Literature, and the Domestic Arts, 1885. American.
Illustrierte Frauen Zeitung, 1885-1899. German women's newspaper published in Berlin.
The Woman's World, 1887-1890. British women's newspaper.
The Woman's Magazine, 1888-1889. American women's newspaper out of my old stomping grounds, Brattleboro, VT.
Mode Charme, 1890-1891. Illustrated French fashion paper.
La Mode de Style, 1890-1891, 1899. Illustrated French weekly fashion paper.
Le Costume Moderne, 1891. Fashion periodical in French and German, published in Berlin. Includes swatches of fabric to go along with each fashion plate.
Dry Goods Review, 1891-1922. Toronto-based ready-to-wear trade journal.
Fashions of To-day, May-Oct 1892. London-based English edition of the French fashion magazine La Mode Practique.
Ladies' Home Journal, 1892-1907. American women's magazine.
La Grande Dame, 1893. Short-lived French magazine of fashion and culture. Lots of great illustrations.
The American Jewess, 1895-1899. New York-based monthly magazine marketed towards Jewish women, with content on everyday life, fashion, and matters of faith.
Mode und Heim, 1895-1909. German fashion and homemaking paper.
Le Journal de la Beauté, 1897-1933. French fashion and beauty paper.
Woman's Home Companion, 1899-1921. American women's magazine.
20th Century Magazines
American, Canadian, and French. A few 21st century ones thrown in as well.
Tissus et Nouveautés, 1900-1913. Canadian, written in French. Montreal-based textile and fashion trade publication.
Beauté-Corset, 1900-1902. French corsetry journal.
The Delineator, 1901. American women's magazine.
Mode et Beauté, 1901-1903. French.
Les Modes, 1901-1937. French.
Mode-Palace: Album Mensuel des Dernières Créations Parisiennes, 1901-1909. French.
Femina, 1902-1909, 1910-1914, 1926-1938. Biweekly French fashion magazine.
The Illustrated Milliner, 1902-1922. American.
La Mode Practique, 1902-1910. French. Click on the magazine image to open a PDF of each issue.
Femina, 1902-1909, 1910-1914, 1926-1938. Biweekly French fashion magazine.
Le Figaro-Modes, 1903-1906. French.
Les Dessous Élégants, 1904, 1905, 1910. French corsetry journal.
The Woman's Magazine, 1905. American women's journal out of St. Louis, Missouri.
The Designer, December 1905-May 1906. American.
Les Parisiennes, 1906-1916. Despite the name, this one's an American fashion trade publication that featured fashion plates and patterns.
L'Élan de la Mode, 1907-1914. French fashion paper.
Le Cachet de Paris, 1908-1932. French trade journal catering to dressmakers of petite and moyenne couture.
Album de Blouses, 1908-1933. French, with text in German and English. Illustrated profusely.
Woman’s Home Companion, 1908-1924. American.
Paris Mode, 1909-1935. French.
Gazette du Bon Ton: 1910s & 1920s super high end French fashion magazine, published in limited editions. Beautiful prints in pochoir by artists like Georges Lepape. Here are copies digitized by Gallica, and copies digitized by the Smithsonian.
McCall’s, 1911-1923. American.
Élégances Féminines: Revue Mensuelle de la Grande Couture, 1911-1914. French.
La Couturière Parisienne, 1912-1918. French.
Jardin des Modes Nouvelles, 1912-1914. French.
La Mode du Temps, 1912-1914. French. Fashion supplement to the newspaper Le Temps.
Journal des Dames et des Modes, [revival], 1912-1914. French.
Modes et Manières d'aujourd'hui, 1912-1920. French.
Redbook, 1912-1923. American.
Toilettes Parisiennes, 1912-1927. French.
The Corset and Underwear Review, 1913, 1914, 1915 (1), 1915 (2), 1916 (1), 1916 (2), 1917, 1918 (1), 1918 (2), 1919, 1920 (1), 1920 (2), 1921 (1), 1921 (2). American corsetry and lingerie trade journal.
Vanity Fair, 1913-1924. American.
American Cloak and Suit Review, July-September 1915, October-December 1915, January-March 1916, October-December 1917, October-December 1918, April-June 1919, January-June 1922. Trade paper for the women's ready-to-wear industry.
La Femme de France, 1915-1938. French.
Le Style Parisien, 1915, 1916. French, with some copies in English. Supplement to Les Élégances Parisiennes.
Half Century Magazine for the Colored Homemaker, 1916-1925. American magazine aimed towards Black women, with frequent fashion coverage. I learned of this magazine and its fashion articles in Noliwe Rooks' fantastic book, Ladies’ Pages: African-American Women’s Magazines and the Culture That Made Them.
The Gentlewoman, 1915-1917. American newspaper.
Les Élégances Parisiennes: Publication Officielle des Industries Françaises de la Mode, 1916-1923. French. A handful of copies in higher resolution available via Gallica.
Les Patrons Favoris, 1916-1932. French magazine of sewing patterns.
Vogue, 1897, 1917, 1922. Oct-Dec 1961. American. Very few copies online in English without a paywall, but here’s a tiny selection.
La Mode par Fried, 1918-1919. French.
La Guirlande, 1919. French. Umberto Brunelleschi was the art director <3
Garment Manufacturers Index, June 1919 - January 1920, February - June 1920, August 1920 - July 1921, August 1921 - March 1922. American trade journal and directory with coverage of French couture. Covers shown at the end of the text.
Ganterie, 1919-1943. Magazine of the French glove industry.
Le Miroir des Modes, 1919-1920, 1926. French.
La France, 1920-1921. American magazine on French culture with monthly fashion coverage by Madeleine Vernier.
Vogue Paris, 1920-1940, 1951. Also individual copies w/o paywall of June 1965, December 1965, Spring Collections, March 1966, February 1967, May 1967, May 1968, French.
Art Goût Beauté, 1920-1934. French.
Très Parisien, 1920-1935. French. There are a lot of copies missing from those, which were digitized in high resolution by the Palais Galliera – many of the missing months are available in a lower quality digitized form via the Diputació Barcelona.
Special editions:
Les Robes du Soir du "Très Parisien," 1921-1922.
Les Belles Modes de Paris, 1921. French.
Les Tailleurs Nouveaux: Modèles Classiques & Fantaisies, 1921-1922. French.
The American Furrier, 1922. American fur trade journal.
Les Idées Nouvelles de la Mode, 1922-1929. French.
The Modern Priscilla, 1922-1927. American.
Harper's Bazaar, 1924-1925. American.
Falbalas et Fanfreluches: Almanach des Modes Présentes, Passées & Future, 4éme Annee, 1925. French.
La Mode du Jour, 1925-1926, 1938-1949. French.
Les Dimanches de la Femme, 1922-1938. Sunday supplement to La Mode du Jour.
Nouvelle collection les Patrons favoris, 1927-1935. French clothing pattern supplement.
Femmes Seules, 1928. French magazine dedicated to single women.
La Joie des Modes, 1930-1931. French.
La Nouvelle Mode Nationale, 1930-1931. French monthly fashion magazine.
Mon Journal Favori, 1931-1933. French biweekly fashion magazine.
Excelsior Modes, 1931-1939. French.
Chapeaux d'Été, 1932-1934. French summer hats.
Chapeaux d'Hiver, 1932-1934. French winter hats.
La Mode Chic, 1932-1947. French magazine catering to a middle-class audience. Includes a pattern in each issue.
Midinette, 1934-1938. French.
Voici La Mode, 1935-1936. French monthly fashion magazine.
La Mode et La Maison, 1936. French.
Marie-Claire, 1937-1945. French weekly women's magazine.
Pour Elle, 1940-1941, 1942-1943. French collaborationist women's magazine.
Silhouettes, 1940-1945. French.
Album de la mode du Figaro, 1942-1949. French.
La Femme, 1945-1946. French.
Claudine, 1945-1948. French.
Elle Paris, 1945-1952, French.
California Stylist, 1945- 1947. American. Great resource for American sportswear. Not visible on search on for some reason, so apologies for the individual links: July 1945, October 1945, September - December 1946, February 1947.
Heures Claires des Femmes Françaises, 1946-1950. French. Magazine of the Union des Femmes Françaises.
The Californian, 1946-1952. American. San Francisco-based fashion magazine. Another great resource for sportswear. Not labeled on Archive with the right dates, so here are the individual links: February 1946-April 1946 & July 1946, August 1946-January 1947, February-July 1947, August 1947-January 1948, February 1948-June 1948, August 1948-June 1949, August 1949-November 1949 & February-November 1950, Spring 1951-Fall 1952.
La Mode Nationale, 1947-1949. French.
Album de Marie-Claire, 1949-1953. French. Pattern supplement to the magazine Marie-Claire.
Katy Keene, 1949-1961. American. Fashion model-themed comic book.
Simplicity Fashion Magazine, 1949-1974. American sewing magazine.
Jet Magazine, 1951-2008. American. Weekly magazine of Black culture in America, published by Johnson Publishing. Sister mag to Ebony, so this one also features coverage of the Ebony Fashion Fair, as well as news on Black designers and fashion shows.
Mademoiselle, 1957-2001. American. Another that isn't labeled on Archive, and they've got a whole lot of them, so apologies for the mega-list: Jan-June 1957, Jan-June 1958, July-Dec 1958, Jan-June 1959, July-Dec 1959, Jan-June 1960, July-Dec 1960, Jan-June 1961, July-Dec 1961, Jan-June 1962, July-Dec 1962, Jan-June 1963, July-Dec 1963, July-Dec 1964, July-Dec 1965, Jan-June 1966, July-Dec 1966, Jan-June 1967, July-Dec 1967, Jan-June 1968, July-Dec 1968, Jan-June 1969, July-Dec 1969, Jan-June 1970, Jan - June 1971, July - Dec 1971, Jan-June 1972, July-Dec 1972, Jan-June 1973, July - Dec 1973, Jan-June 1974, July - Dec 1974, July-Dec 1975, Jan-June 1976, July-Dec 1976, Jan-June 1977, July-Dec 1977, Jan-June 1978, July-Dec 1978, Jan - June 1979, July-Dec 1979, and Jan-June 1980. It goes up to 2001 but I have decided there are simply too many for this page. Feel free to email me for the rest.
Ebony, 1959-2008. American. The largest monthly magazine of Black culture in America. Search for "Ebony Fashion Fair" for great fashion coverage.
The Combination, 1964-1978. American. A weekly digest of Black life in Oakland, CA. Great society images of people dressed to the nines to go out on the town. Often featured fashion columns on both womenswear and menswear.
New York Magazine, 1965-1995. American. New York culture magazine with regular fashion coverage and editorial fashion shoots. Especially great in the 1980s.
Lilith, 1976-2023. American. Independent Jewish feminist magazine.
Image Magazine, 1977-1980. American. Another small digest of Black life and society, this time out of Athens, Georgia. Often featured fashion coverage, as well as images of people in fashionable 1970s dress in their daily lives.
Spy Magazine, 1986-1998. American. Snarky comedy and culture magazine, frequently gossiped about the world of fashion.
En Femme Magazine, 1987-1991. American. Magazine of drag fashion and lifestyle.
American Photo, 1989-2008. American. Frequent coverage of fashion photography.
ElleGirl, 2001-2007. American. Teen spinoff of Elle.
International Magazines
Use Command + F on Mac computers to search by country of origin.
Magasin för Konst, Nyheter Och Moder, 1823-1844. Swedish women's periodical with fashion reports and colored fashion plates.
La Moda, 1836-1842. Italian weekly fashion newspaper, published out of Milan.
Dziennik Mód Paryskich, 1840-1848. Polish weekly fashion paper with fashion plates, titled "Journal of Parisian Trends".
El Tocador: Gacetín del Bello Sexo, Periódico Semanal de Educación, Literatura, Anuncios, Teatros y Modas, 1844. Madrid-based Spanish women's magazine.
El Correo de la Moda, 1852. Spanish fashion paper published out of Madrid. Features both fashion plates and patterns.
La Caprichosa, 1857-1858. Spanish women's magazine published in Paris. From the catalog description of the Biblioteca Nacional de España: "Its founder, director and main editor was Emilia Serrano García (1833-1922) from Granada, who edited it for the female audience of the high bourgeoisie and the aristocracy that was part of the Spanish and Hispanic-American colony settled in the French capital . . . His “first” subscriber was, precisely, the Empress of France, Eugénie de Montijo (1826-1920), consort of Napoleon III, who was also from Granada."
Strī bodh, 1858-1941. Indian women's magazine published in Gujarat. Text in Hindi.
De Gracieuse, 1862-1936. Dutch fashion magazine.
Модный свет, 1868-1916. "Fashionable Light," a Russian fashion newspaper, digitized by the Russian National Library.
La Moda Elegante, 1869-1887, 1888-1917, 1918-1924. Spanish weekly illustrated fashion paper published in Madrid. Features frequent patterns. Switched to monthly magazine with color illustrated cover in 1923. Found via the Diputació Barcelona, which was kindly shared with me by Franciska Ruessink.
La Ondina del Plata, 1876-1879. Argentinian weekly fashion paper.
La Moda, 1878. Milan-based Italian fashion paper with illustrations on every page.
Paris Charmant-Artístico, 1882. Spanish-language fashion paper published out of Paris for the Spanish-speaking market. Includes fashion plates.
La Ilustración de la Mujer, 1883-1884. Spanish women's biweekly paper published in Barcelona. Found via the Diputació Barcelona, which was kindly shared with me by Franciska Ruessink.
Wiener Hausfrauen-Zeitung, 1881-1914. Austrian. Title translates to Viennese Housewife Journal. Illustrations begin in 1904.
A Estação, 1884. Brazilian women's newspaper, heavily illustrated with fashion plates and many black and white fashion illustrations.
El Salón de la Moda, 1884-1916. Spanish fashion paper with plates and illustrations. Distributed in both Spain and Portugal.
Cappelleria Italiana, 1886. Italian millinery journal.
La Última Moda: Revista Ilustrada Hispano-Americana, 1888-1898, 1899-1921. Spanish-American weekly fashion magazine with extensive illustrations. Scroll down to choose the issue you like, and then click 'Descargar' to download it in a PDF, via the Biblioteca Digital Memoria de Madrid.
Wiener Mode, 1888, 1918-1919. Austrian bimonthly fashion magazine.
Вестник моды, 1885-1918. "Fashion Herald," a Russian weekly fashion paper with many illustrations, as well as fashion plates republished from Le Moniteur de la Mode.
Caras y Caretas, 1890-1892. Uruguayan satirical illustrated journal, typically included fashion coverage in last few pages of each issue.
Blatt der Hausfrau, 1890-1945. Austrian illustrated journal; title translates to Housewife's Sheet Austri
Al-Fatat, 1892-1893. The first Egyptian women's magazine. Written in Arabic, text-only publication. Digitized by the Women and Memory Forum (WMF).
Parižka Moda, 1895-1897. The first Croatian illustrated fashion magazine, titled "Parisian Fashion."
Käsitöitä, 1895-1915, 1902 via the Library of Finland. Finnish handicraft journal. Many thanks to Katja Kuitunen for letting me know of this title, and for providing a link to her digitized copies.
Nové Pařížské Mody, 1895-1916, 1919-1941. A Czech weekly paper titled "New Paris Fashions."
Jornal das Senhoras, 1896. A Portuguese women's weekly journal published in Lisbon.
Jugend, 1896-1940. German magazine super influential during Art Nouveau period, so much so that Art Nouveau in Germany became known as Jugendstil. Later forced between 1933-1940 into Nazi propaganda machine.
Mahila, 1897-1915. Indian women's magazine. Text in Bengali.
Sport im Bild, 1897-1938. Austrian illustrated newspaper with frequent fashion coverage.
Moda Parisiana, 1898-1899. Romanian fashion paper.
El Mundo, 1898-1902. Mexican illustrated journal with weekly fashion coverage.
La Moda Europea, 1899. Argentinian women's paper titled "European Fashion".
Tennen moyō kagami Haori ura no bu, or 天年模樣鑒羽織裹之部, 1899. Japanese publication of Haori kimono designs.
Instantáneas: Gran Moda, 1901. Short-lived Spanish fashion paper, titled "Snapshots: High Fashion". Scroll down to select issue, and press "Descargar" to download PDF.
Schmuck und Mode, 1901-1902. German journal of fashion and jewelry.
Shōun Moyōshū, or 松雲模樣輯, 1902-1903. Japanese magazine of illustrated kimono patterns.
Bhārata Bhaginī, 1901-1906. Indian. Women's magazine published in the city of Lahore, which was then part of British India. It has been part of Pakistan since the Partition of 1947. Text in Hindi.
Paris Sud-América, 1902-1914. Biweekly fashion supplement to the Argentinian magazine, La Ilustración Sud-Americana.
Fon-Fon, 1903-1945. Brazilian magazine. Particularly great cover design in the late teens through mid-twenties.
Moda Nouă, 1903-1915. Romanian illustrated fashion newspaper with occasional special illustrated magazines.
Nüzi Shijie (Women's World), 1904-1907. Chinese monthly women's magazine published out of Shanghai. Digitized by Heidelberg University, and found via the Asian Fashion Archive.
Wiener Frauenzeitung für Mode, Handarbeit und Belehrung, 1905-1910. Austrian biweekly fashion paper.
Arco Iris, 1906-1907. Spanish. Sevilla-based magazine of fashion and culture, with Art Nouveau-inspired covers. Includes fashion caricatures and patterns.
La Donna, 1906-1933. Italian women's magazine.
La Dama, 1907-1908. Spanish women's magazine, digitized by the Biblioteca Nacional de España.
Feminal, 1907-1914. Spanish women's magazine, published in Barcelona. Found via the Diputació Barcelona, which was kindly shared with me by Franciska Ruessink.
The Young Women of India and Ceylon, 1907-1916. Indian women's magazine published for the British audience in India and Sri Lanka. Text in English.
Moodi-Album, 1908-1912. Estonian fashion newspaper.
A Vida Elegante, 1909. Brazilian weekly magazine, based out of Rio de Janeiro. Includes great street photography of fashion as worn in the city.
Eleganze Femminili, 1911. Super short lived Italian magazine.
Elegancias, 1911-1914. Uruguayan fashion magazine.
Funü Shibao (Women's Eastern Times), 1911-1917. Chinese women's magazine, digitized by Heidelberg University. Found via the Asian Fashion Archive. The first and longest lived commercial women's journal in China.
Las Argentinas: Revue des Élégances Féminines, 1911-1913. Fashion magazine produced out of Paris and
Buenos Aires for the Argentinian market.
Cosmos, 1912-1914. Mexican culture magazine published in Mexico City. Includes monthly fashion coverage.
Reform: Rätsepatöö-Teadus, Kunst ja Moodid, 1914-1915. Estonian tailoring journal, titled "Reform: Tailoring-Science, Art and Fashion".
Английская домашняя портниха, 1915. Russian edition of The English Home Dressmaker.
Funü Zazhi (The Ladies' Journal), 1915-1931. Chinese women's magazine, digitized by Heidelberg University. Found via the Asian Fashion Archive.
Página Blanca, 1915-1916. Uruguayan women's magazine.
The Indian Ladies' Magazine, 1916-1917. Indian women's magazine published in Chennai. Text in English.
Margot, 1916-1917. Spanish women's magazine, published out of Barcelona. Lots of fashion-related comics.
Nové Mody, 1916-1919. Czech fashion magazine titled "New Modes".
Kadınlık, 1916-1917. Turkish women's magazine, "Femininity," published out of Istanbul. Fashion photography on covers.
Futuro das Moças, 1917 and 1918. "The Future of Women," a Brazilian women's magazine.
Moderne Welt, 1918-1939. German fashion magazine, digitized by the Österreichische Nationalbibliothek. Wonderful fashion magazine with great illustrations prior to 1938, when its Jewish-run publishing house was forcibly “Aryanized.”
In Penombra, 1918-1919. Italian stage magazine with fashion coverage and photographs à la Comoedia Illustré.
Beaux Arts de Modes, 1920-1942. Profusely illustrated Belgian magazine of the latest fashions in fur.
Vida Domestica, 1920-1962. Brazilian magazine with fashion coverage and illustrations from 1930s forward - thanks to Katiucia Sousa for letting me know about this one.
Vesna, 1921. Slovenian fashion magazine.
Revue Des Modes, 1921-1925. Finnish fashion magazine.
Sattiriya Mittiran, 1922. A single issue of this Indian women's magazine. Text in Tamil.
The Bon Ton, 1922-24. Not to be confused with La Gazette du Bon Ton, The Bon Ton was an Italian magazine aimed towards seamstresses and tailors in training.
Atelier, 1923. Russian Constructivist-inspired fashion magazine - the only issue ever produced.
Pariisin Muodit, 1923. Finnish fashion magazine, title translates to "Parisian Fashions.
Elegante, 1923-1924. Spanish fashion magazine, published in Barcelona.
Layla, 1923-1924. First Iraqi women’s magazine.
Modes Apskats, 1923-1924. Riga-based Latvian fashion magazine.
America, 1923-1925. Brazilian pop culture magazine on art, fashion, film, and sport.
Elegancias, 1923-1926. A personal favorite. Spanish fashion magazine, digitized by the Biblioteca Nacional de España.
Das Leben, 1923-1935. Weimar-era German women's magazine.
Russia Illustrated, 1924-1939. Russian weekly with occasional fashion coverage.
Le Grand Tailleur, 1924-1943. Magazine with text in German, abundant with fashion plates and illustrations. Unsure of origin, but likely French for German-speaking market.
The Australian Women's Mirror, 1924-1954. Australian magazine with weekly fashion coverage.
Mazais Modes žurnāls, 1925. Latvian weekly fashion journal.
Mujer: Revista del Mundo y de la Moda, 1925-1926. Spanish. Madrid-based weekly fashion magazine.
Neue Frauenwelt, 1925-1927. German fashion and handwork journal, title translates to New Women's World.
Nova Khata (Нова хата), 1925-1939. "New House," a Ukrainian women's magazine published out of Lviv with features on fashion, the home, and folk textiles.
Die Moderne Frau, 1926-1928. Austrian fashion magazine, published out of Vienna.
Párisi Divat, 1926-1932, 1938, 1940. Hungarian fashion magazine.
Svijet, 1926-1936. Croatian pictorial titled "World," with frequent fashion coverage. Text searchable in the "PRETRAŽIVANJE" bar above the individual issues.
Die Schöne Frau, 1926-1937. Austrian magazine out of Vienna.
Perfekte Mode, 1926-1940. Another Austrian magazine, titled "Perfect Fashion," out of Vienna. Under Nazi censorship from 1938 on.
Razgled, 1927-1928. Slovenian monthly culture magazine with regular fashion coverage.
Frauenfreude - Mädchenglück, 1927-1934. Czech women's magazine, published out of Prague.
Przegląd Mody, 1927-1936. Polish fashion magazine.
Magyar Úriasszonyok Lapja, 1928-1936. Hungarian women's magazine. Thank you to Clara Lavié for informing me of this title.
Hvězda: československých paní a dívek, 1927-1941. Czech women's magazine, title translates to The Star: The star of Czechoslovak ladies and beauties.
Voga, 1927-1928. Portuguese women's magazine, published out of Lisbon.
Cordelia, 1928-1934. One of the most widely-read Italian women's magazines of the early 20th century, later turned Fascist.
Virkkaus ja neuletyöt, 1928-1939. Finnish magazine of crocheting and knitting, included patterns in every issue.
Modelos, 1929. Barcelona-based Spanish publication of fashion croquis. Some issues included digitized patterns.
Amica, 1929-1940. Italian women's magazine with fashion coverage.
Muoti-Kuvasto, 1929-1935, 1939. Finnish fashion magazine with patterns.
Žena in Dom, 1930-1941. Slovenian monthly women's magazine with fashion coverage, titled "Woman and Home".
Finlayson, 1930. Finnish women's magazine produced by the fabric manufacturer of the same name.
Jornal da Mulher, 1930-1943. Women's supplement to the Brazilian young women's magazine, Jornal das Moças. Published in Rio de Janeiro, this supplement often covered fashions of the day, and frequently published fashion images from French photo agencies. Thanks to Katiucia Sousa for letting me know about this one.
Ling Long Women's Magazine, 1931-1937. Chinese women's magazine from Republican-era Shanghai, digitized by Columbia University.
Chik, 1932-1940. Danish quarterly fashion magazine produced by Illum, a luxury department store in Copenhagen. Digitized by the Danish Royal Library. They also have a collection of Illum catalogs digitized here.
Wiener Modenzeitung, 1932-1942. Austrian newspaper covering the national fashion industry and its influences from abroad. Under Nazi censorship from 1938 on.
Eeva, 1933-1939. Finnish monthly fashion magazine, digitized by the National Library of Finland. Select year from the drop-down menu under the magazine title at the top of the page.
Huvitav Žurnaal, 1933-1940. Estonian quarterly magazine, titled "The Interesting Journal".
The Australian Women's Weekly, 1933-1982. Australian women's newspaper that often features fashion news and fashion illustrations.
Eesti Moeleht, 1934. An Estonian fashion magazine, title translates to "Estonian Fashion".
Paris-Alger, 1934-1937. Algerian women's magazine published out of Paris and Algiers for the French ex-pat market.
Suomalainen Kotivaatetalous, 1935. A Finnish women's magazine, title translates to "Finnish Home Clothing Economy".
Dea, 1935, 1938-1939, 1940, 1941. Italian monthly fashion magazine.
Ellas, 1935. A single issue of this Cuban monthly fashion magazine.
Muoti ja käytäntö, 1936-1938. Finnish trade magazine on fashion displays in stores, created by the store Kestilän Pukimo.
Hopeapeili, 1936-1939. Another monthly Finnish fashion magazine – title translates to "Silver Mirror".
Костюм и пальто, 1937. A pocket issue of "Suit and Coat," a Russian periodical of clothing guides published by the Moskvoshvey Trust.
Elite, 1937-1944. Chilean fashion magazine. Run for many years by Valentina Ruiz, a woman Town and Country in 1941 called "the final word on fashion in Chile". To read through a copy, select it by clicking on the picture of its cover and then click the "Descargar" button in orange on the upper left-hand side to flip through its pages.
Omin Käsin, 1938-1939. Finnish magazine of home-sewing and handicraft – includes some sewing patterns.
Margriet, 1938-1950. Dutch weekly women's magazine
Hrvatica, 1939-1940. Croatian magazine, subtitled "Magazine for Women and Home."
Magyar Nők Lapja, 1939-1944. Hungarian women's magazine. Thanks to Clara Lavié for sharing this title with me.
Beatrijs, 1939-1967. Long-lived popular Dutch magazine aimed towards Catholic women. With thanks to
Grazia, 1940-1943. Italian mid-market women's magazine.
Bellezza, 1941-1943. Italian monthly fashion and lifestyle magazine.
Modes Spogulis, 1941. Latvian fashion magazine titled "Fashion Mirror."
Alta Costura, 1946-1976. Spanish monthly fashion magazine, based in Barcelona.
Rīgas Modes, 1949-1993. Long-running Latvian fashion magazine.
Gioia, 1951-1955. Italian women's magazine. Click on title name in list to access individual issues.
Drum Magazine, 1951-1978. South African. The leading magazine of South Africa until its closure in 2020, with stylish covergirls and some fashion coverage. The archive separates its holdings into categories, such as covers and advertisements.
Zebunnisa, 1952-1984. Pakistani women's magazine, text in Urdu.
Distinción, 1955-1971. Spanish. Barcelona-based culture magazine with fashion coverage in every issue.
AWA: La Revue de la Femme Noire, 1964 - 1973. Senegalese women's magazine, digitized by the Institut Fondamental d’Afrique Noire-Cheikh Anta Diop.
Textiles Suisses, 1966-1993. Just as the title describes - a magazine of Swiss textiles.
Paula, 1967-1977. South American women's magazine marketed to readers in Argentina and Chile. Fun fashion coverage, including a Twiggy-modeled cover, a space-themed issue and a Paco Robanne editorial.
Zan-e Rooz, 1964-1978. Iranian women's magazine titled "Woman of Today," dating from before and during the Iranian Revolution. Sometimes written as Zan-i Rūz. Incredible mod graphic design. The source I had linked to previously has been taken down in the wake of the recent protests, so I have made a new page with copies I had previously downloaded. Dates are approximate within their year, let me know if you find a more accurate date for any of these or additional copies you can share.
Élégance Suisse, 1968-1974. Magazine of the Swiss fashion industry.
Zhvandūn, 1972-1982. Afghan. Popular magazine published in Afghanistan in Persian and Pashto that often included fashion coverage.
Effe, 1973-1982. The "first Italian feminist magazine," on its own archive website, created with love by former staffers of the magazine.
Журнал мод [Fashion Magazine], 1986-1990. Russian fashion magazine.
Fruits, 1997-2002. Japanese streetwear magazine.
TopModell, 2004-2015. Hungarian fashion magazine. Found via the Elektronikus Periodika A, with great thanks to Franciska Ruessink for sending to me.
dObra[s], 2007-2021. Journal of the Brazilian Association of Fashion Research Studies.
Hot Nepal, 2013-2016. Nepalese women's magazine.
Fashion Collection, 2020-2023. Pakistani monthly fashion magazine.
Menswear Magazines
Also includes general tailoring journals. American, English, Canadian, Finnish, French, Japanese, and Italian.
Geo. D. Doudney's Monthly Fashion Sheet, February, 1835.
L'Union de Modes, 1860-63. French.
Journal L'Homme du Monde, 1863. French men's magazine with monthly fashion plates.
L'Élégant, 1865-1868. French tailoring journal with patterns.
The Gazette of Fashion, and Cutting Room Companion, 1866. English.
The Gentleman’s Magazine of Fashion, 1870, 1871-1872, 1873-1874, 1877-1878. English. Includes patterns and fashion plates.
The Monthly Record of Fashion, and Tailor and Cutter's Guide, 1882-1884. English.
El Genio y el Arte, 1883-1886. Spanish journal catering to the tailoring trade, owned by the master tailor to the King of Spain.
La Cappelleria Italiana, 1886. Italian journal catering to the men's hat trade.
The Tailor and Cutter, and London Art Fashion Journal, 1874-1875, 1890. English. Tailoring trade journal, includes patterns for womenswear and menswear.
The American Tailor and Cutter, 1891-1892. American.
Le Musée des Modes: Journal Fashion Artistique des Tailleurs, 1891. French.
Le Tailleur-Coupeur de Paris, 1895-1901. French journal for the tailoring and cutting trades.
Voice of Fashion, 1897. Chicago-based journal of fashionable dress patterns.
Vaatturi: pukuteollisuuden harjoittajain äänenkannattaja, 1898-1939. Finnish newspaper of the tailoring trade – title translates to "Tailor: The Voice of the Clothing Industry's Practitioners."
L'Osservatore, 1901-1902. Milan-based trade journal catering to the tailoring trade.
新 スタイル (Shin Sutairu/ The New Style), 1907, no. 1 & 2. Japanese menswear guide.
Men's Wear Review, 1911-1922. Menswear editions of Toronto-based ready-to-wear trade journal, Dry Goods Review.
Muotikertomus Suomen Räätäleille, 1914-1915. Finnish journal catering to the tailoring trade, titled Fashion Report for Finnish Tailors.
Croonberg's Gazette of Fashions, 1915-1916, 1916-1917. American trade journal.
Sartorial Art Journal, 1918-1919. American tailoring journal, affiliated with the American Tailor and Cutter.
Monsieur, 1920-1923. Beautiful French menswear magazine.
Adam, 1925-1948. French men's fashion magazine.
Adam Tailleur, 1930-1939. Suit editions of the magazine above.
Adam Chemisier, 1933-1938. Editions on the shirt, hat, and glove trade.
Miehen Muoti, 1932-1935, 1938-1939. Finnish menswear magazine - title translates to Men's Fashion. Produced by ready-to-wear tailoring company Kuusinen. Found via Minna Kaipainen's dissertation research into Finnish tailoring, "'Whoever wears a bespoke suit, he looks like a gentleman': South Karelian country clothier and clothier activity in Finland in the 1920s-1960s," Joensuu University Library, 2008.
Aika Ja Mies, 1936-1939. Time and Man, the continuation of Miehen Muoti from Finnish menswear retailer Kuusinen.
Adam, 1936-1939. Kuusinen's internal magazine on store design for menswear shops.
Daily News Record, 1988-2008. Fairchild's trade journal for the menswear industry.
Out, 1999-2006. American magazine of gay culture, frequent fashion coverage.
Culture / Fashion-Adjacent:
The Academy of Motion Pictures Arts and Sciences: Great collection of film fan magazines from the first half of the twentieth century, which often discuss costume design and the off-camera style of starlets of the era. The Media History Project of the University of Wisconsin has also digitized many fan and film magazines.
Avant-Garde, 1968-1971. Magazine famed for its graphic design.
Biblioteca Nacional Brasil Digital: a searchable database of Brazilian newspapers. I have found that the Revista da Semana had some interesting fashion coverage in their "Cronica ce Paris" column.
The Chicagoan, 1926-1935. Short-lived Chicago magazine of art and culture modeled off of the New Yorker.
Digital Archive of Periodicals Related to Weaving: Scans of periodicals, articles, and books related to weaving.
Documentary History of the Amalgamated Clothing Workers of America, 1914-1922. Early history of the union of ready-to-wear clothing workers in America, as well as proceedings of conferences and conventions.
Egyptian Press Archive of CEDEJ: Fashion articles in the Bibliotheca Alexandrina's Egyptian press archive.
Ibero-American Institute: German collection of South American magazines from the early 20th century. Most are society and culture magazines, and many feature some fashion coverage in each issue.
Magazines in The Palestinian Museum's Digital Archive: 364 digitized magazines from 1928 to today.
NOW FASHION. Extensive collection of fashion show photography, 2012-2023.
SPARC: Digitized objects from the Special Collections of the Fashion Institute of Technology, which include sketches, photographs, and archival documents.
Sports Illustrated Vault: Digitized archives of Sports Illustrated. Early copies include fashion coverage for sportswear and swimwear.
Umbra Search: Database of over 700,000 texts and objects related to African American history, pulled from over 1000 institutions.