books on the history of fashion and design, etc.

Detail from a Ford Mustang advertisement featuring the U.S. Women's Volleyball Team, 1983. From the collection of Duke University Library.
38 archives, collections, museums, and institutions with online databases of materials related to women's history in America and occasionally beyond. These represent websites that I have found to be well-digitized, useful in research, and free to access as of when listed. Feel free to send any you've come across that I have missed. This guide was started in 2021, and was late updated on: October 8th, 2023. Enjoy!
Women's History Archives
African American Women Writers of the 19th Century: Digital collection produced by Schomberg Library of the NYPL.
Archives on Black Women: Research guide produced by Dr. Melissa Brown of Santa Clara University.
Biographies of Women Mathematicians: Biographies of women in mathematics from around the globe, produced by Agnes Scott College. ​
Black Women Oral History Project: Transcripts of oral histories, taken between 1976-1981. Produced by Radcliffe Library of Harvard University.
CAWP: Center for American Women and Politics, produced by Rutgers University.
College Women: Documenting the History of Women in Higher Education: A digital database of materials related to women in higher education, created by the Seven Sisters colleges (Barnard, Bryn Mawr, Mount Holyoke, Radcliffe, Smith, Vassar, and Wellesley).
Contributions of 20th Century Women to Physics: Digital exhibition and resources, produced by UCLA.
Digital Transgender Archive: Materials related to trans women in the collection of the Digital Transgender Archive.
Digital Feminist Archives: Materials from the collection of Barnard College.
Discovering American Women's History Online: Database of objects related to women's history in over 700 collections, produced by Middle Tennessee State University.
The Feminist Chronicles, 1953-1993: Digitized materials in the collection of the Feminist Majority Organization.
Feminist Periodicals: Open-access database academic journals and articles related to women and gender studies, produced by the University of Wisconsin-Madison.
Gateway to Women's History: The digital library for the Woman's Collection at Texas Woman's University.
Gifts of Speech: Archive of transcripts of speeches made by women, produced by Sweet Briar College.
GLBT Historical Society: Digitized materials related to trans women in their online collections.
Global Feminisms: Digitized oral histories, produced by University of Michigan.
In Her Own Right: Materials related to women's rights from the 19th and early twentieth centuries, produced by Philadelphia Area Consortium of Special Collections Libraries (PACSCL).
Lesbian Herstory Archives: Digitized materials from their collections.
Mujeres Latinas Project: Digitized materials related to the Latina experience, produced by the University of Iowa.
National Archives: Guide to digitized materials related to women.
National Women and Media Collection: Digital collection of materials related to women and media, produced by University of Missouri.
National Women's History Museum: Digital exhibitions highlighting items in the collection of the NWHM.
Schlesinger Library: Women's history collections from Radcliffe College of Harvard University.
Sophia Smith Collection: Special collections of materials related to women's history at Smith College.
UN Women: Digitized materials from the collection of the UN Women, the UN's entity dedicated to gender equality and the empowerment of women.
Victorian Women Writers Project: Database of Victorian women's writing, produced by Indiana University.
Voices of Feminism Oral History Project: Oral histories on the women's movement, produced by Smith College.
Women & Gender Studies Programs & Research Centers: Comprehensive list with hundreds of programs and research centers around the world, produced by Joan Korenman, professor and founder of the Center for Women and Information Technology at the University of Maryland, Baltimore County.
Women in Politics Bibliographic Database: Searchable database of written materials related to women's participation in political life around the globe, produced by the Inter-Parliamentary Union and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP).
Women in Science: Digital exhibits and related digitized materials, produced by the Digital Public Library of America.
Women of Protest: Materials related to the National Women's Party, produced by the Library of Congress.
Women Working, 1800-1930: Archive of materials related to women and labor, produced by Harvard University.
Women's and Gender Studies Web Archive: Archived materials from significant websites related to women and gender studies, maintained by the Library of Congress.
Women’s Liberation Movement Print Culture: Materials from the 1960s and 1970s related to the women's movement, produced by Duke University.
Women's Digital Knowledge Library: Extensive and comprehensive set of research guides in subjects related to women, produced by University of Wisconsin-Madison.
The Women's Rights Movement, 1848-1917: Digital exhibition and related collection materials, produced by the United States House of Representatives.
Women's Suffrage Digital Collections: Research guide for archives related to the history of women's suffrage, produced by Iowa State University.
Women's Voices: Digitized materials related to women in Harvard's Slavery, Abolition, Emancipation and Freedom collection.